of France to build and operate a new reactor at Calvert Cliffs in
Maryland, in the latest blow to hopes of an American “nuclear
The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, part of the US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, denied the application on the grounds that
foreign companies, such as EDF, are not allowed to control US nuclear
EDF has known about this for years.The first I heard about it was in 2011.http://www.somdnews.com/article/20110713/NEWS/707139549/1074/1074/nrc-panel-grills-unistar&template=southernMaryland.
It would seem that EDF has no intention of building unit 3 at Calvert Cliffs.
Here is the latest article.http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c32090e4-f393-11e1-b3a2-00144feabdc0.html#axzz25DGzVmcW.
The US nuclear regulator has taken the unusual step of denying a licence to
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