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Friday, August 31, 2012

I would like to share my appreciation for Meredith Angwin in recommending      


  1. Thank you very very much! I was so happy to see that you started a blog!

    It can be pretty uphill around Vermont, but there's also the "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers" positive feeling. Also, about half the people (various surveys) in Vermont are in favor of Vermont Yankee's continued operation, but the other group makes a lot more noise. The actual widespread support for VY also encourages me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here is one for you nuclear industry libertarians. I live in the best country on the face the is a astonishing beautiful privilege for me to be a United State of America citizen. All my little band of brother and sisters are the people who call themselves Americans and set their hearts to the ideals of our Constitution.

    Jesus, you are not going to make a profession being a victim...

    There is extremist on both and all sides...everyone is confronted by these idiots. Don't for a moment think you are special when people pick on you. My saying is, what don't kill you only makes you stronger

  4. I am not playing the victim card. I merely state what it is like to support something that so many instinctively vilify. The mere mention of nuclear brings visions of mushroom clouds to way too many minds,the facts seem lost that nuclear energy is a different entity. The opponents of nuclear energy are a vociferous group that have no qualms in making their counters personal and i have no qualm saying so.

  5. Those "visions of Mushroom clouds" by the nuts are the only thing that keeps your utilities executives sober.

    I think behind the whole deal is a insufficient dominant carrying ideology or world view for the nuclear industry...coming from your utility leaders that inflames the outside malcontents....

    You leaders don't resource you adequately, that causes big events...that feeds the long hair beast grazing on the grass sitting outside your plants.

    I mean really, our political system isn't big enough to have a cohesive, with a long view vision...a national energy policy.

    I basically believe the bottom half doesn't have enough income...can't afford the futuristic electricity system of our dreams...
